The 14-day rule often results in coverage denial

Mar 8, 2022 | By: Christina Goldberg

Two Weeks’ Notice.

Yep, I named my blog post after a poorly rated 2002 Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant film. (Except that I fixed the grammatical error in the original title by adding the appropriate apostrophe.)

Sadly, the real-life implication of the 14-day rule as enacted by Florida’s Legislature in the No-Fault Act is just as bad as the movie.

What is the 14-day rule?

The idea of the rule is if you are involved in an automobile crash you will be DENIED said coverage if you fail to seek treatment for your injuries within 14 days of the crash. Denied, despite being forced to purchase and pay monthly for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage.

Sadly, we see it time and time again. Busy single parents, who must work to support their children, have no vacation time and hope the pain subsides, finally cry “uncle” three weeks after a crash … and what happens? Time and time again they are denied the coverage for which they have been paying.

Of course, the legislature’s reasoning behind this rule is that “if you were really injured you wouldn’t wait more than two weeks to seek treatment.”

Stipulation results in a denial of benefits

In theory and on paper, this limitation may seem reasonable to a legislator using his golden pen. There may be a desire to be heralded by all as the one who successfully curbed fraudulent insurance claims. However, in practice, it is a terrible denial of benefits, most times, to very worthy insureds.

Sadly, this isn’t generally information you’re going to be made aware of, so it is vital to get it in front of you now.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Knowledge is power, so I urge you to be prepared.

Immediately contact Luhrsen Goldberg for a free case evaluation if you are involved in a crash.